Okay, so this last weekend...
I drew on myself. Why? Well, I was sitting in the 2 1/2 hour class where we do NOTHING. And the class right after that was Art History of Graphic Design (that's right), and I have a hard time staying awake. My solution? Make my hand/arm a canvas for creativity!

Okay, so you see that beast? Well, my arm looked like that on Friday, right before I went in to work. Did I wash it off before work? Heck no. That's sharpie, and I didn't feel like grinding off my skin to look "presentable." Plus, most of the people who work at Joe Sippers have tattoos and are all 'hippied out' anyway. I went with it.
EVERY customer had something to say about it. It was a myriad of comments and questions like, "Is that real?!" or "Is that henna?!" or "How bad did that hurt?!" or "That's awesome!"
One guy asked, in a rude voice, "What HAPPENED to your arm?"
To which I replied, with an unamused expression on my face, "I tripped."
Alright, so this one guy, probably in his 40s, comes up to the counter, and he says, "Hey, I love that design on your arm. Mind if I take a picture of it?" I was kind of flattered, so I said sure! I mean, that's cool, right?
He says he needs to go get his camera, and he leaves for a minute. When he comes back, he's toting this massive beast of a camera with a huge, professional lens.
He asks if we can step outside and take a picture against the outside brick wall. Sure, whatever, I think. So we step outside. Then, I ask him how to pose my arm...
This is where it gets weird.
He, totally nonchalant, is like, "Maybe like this?" And does this sexy-lean-against-the-wall-with-my-arm-and-chest-and-look-over-my-shoulder-like-a-seductress pose.
So... after a moment of hesitation, I do a modified version of his pose. Then he starts snapping pictures, and directing me.
I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a sexy photo shoot.
One of his posing directions that he gave me was... wait for it...
"Could you lift your boobs a little?"
Oh yeah.
Afterwards, he tells me that if I give him my e-mail he'll send me the pictures. Against my better judgment, I give it to him. I found out later that he's a photographer for pin-up magazines.
That put ALL the pieces together for me.
The next day he sent me the pictures... Check this out. This is just a couple versions of one of them, but... Okay... If this guy IS a photographer for a pin-up magazine, he's NOT the editor. I mean, just look at this!

Sexy, right? Okay, you might not be able to see it very well, but my eyes are a brilliant lime green (totally natural) and my skin and hair have no texture. I also was apparently wearing lipstick. Sometimes I just unconsciously apply stuff like that, you know.
I almost peed my pants laughing. And the background pattern? Pure sexy.
So, this is my life. Enjoy.
omg...I love your life. :) And of course its pure sexy. I'd love to see the rest. ;) And awesome comeback "I tripped" lol :P This is why I love you.