Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm excited to report that Thanksgiving break is only two weeks away! Even though my class schedule isn't too hectic, I still always feel stressed for time. Seriously, hours fly past. What on earth is up with that?

In other news... Not much is going on these days. My 10-mile race is no longer happening, sadly. It was actually a 40-mile relay race that I was going to be running with 3 other women, but 2 of them dropped out just a couple of days before our registration deadline. With less people, those who are still running have to make up the distance, which means that I would essentially have to run 20 miles if I decided to go through with it with just one other runner. So, the other runner and I didn't know anyone who would be prepared to run or willing to sign up on such short notice. We had to let the opportunity pass. And, while it is a bummer, I'm actually relieved. My shin splints have been majorly out of control, and after the 9K, they were in such bad shape I decided to take two weeks to not run or do any sort of impact exercise. It was a good decision. Fortunately, I think I've healed quite well! I went for my first run since the race yesterday, a solid 3-miler, and it wasn't bad at all.

For Halloween I went to a haunted house with a few friends. We went to a huge old building in Ashmore that used to be an insane asylum. While the idea is terrifying, and the testimonies of others throughout the years have verified this... it really wasn't that scary. It was immensely fun though. I had a blast. There was a lot of darkness and screaming and banging on walls and feelings of being lost and nervous. Good times.

Also, I've decided to step down from my position as a small group leader at Christian Campus House. This semester has been really awesome and rewarding--I love my girls--but I really feel God leading me away from it right now. I don't feel like I'm growing. I feel like I'm using the position as a crutch for my spiritual life without actually making the spiritual investments I need to by my own time and will. The idea of not leading next semester actually gives me a large sense of relief, so I'm looking forward to it.

Something exciting: I've been doing really well in the dieting world. I really feel like I have control and motivation, which I never do. I've been doing it for a little over a month now, and I've lost 9lbs. I can't tell a whole lot (but don't get me wrong, I can feel a change), but I think it might be that a certain amount of the weight was actually water weight. However, my roommate Hannah asked me this morning what I've been doing because (in her words), "it's obviously working" for me. That was encouraging! I feel incredibly inspired to carry on! Hannah and I intend on running a half marathon in February, and the idea of running with 10+ less lbs is incredibly exciting. I'm going for it!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Haircuts and Races

This week has been incredibly eventful, incredibly fun, and incredibly exhausting.

It all started with a haircut. Now, this was no ordinary trim. Oh, no. This was a big-daddy haircut! This was a you-better-not-chicken-out haircut. A please-don't-be-too-attached-to-your-look-incase-it-doesn't-turn-out haircut.

I donated my hair! After a year and a half of growing it out, it was finally ready to be chopped off! The whole experience was exciting... and a little scary, I admit. But in the end, I'm really happy with how it turned out. Sometimes I have trouble not feeling like a boy, but I usually just over-compensate with makeup and girly clothes.

The interesting thing with this haircut has been the overwhelming amount of compliments I've received. Typically, I would expect the majority of approvals to be from other girls my age. Mostly because another female chopping off her locks is usually received with thoughts like, "Girl power! A girl chopping off her hair is liberating! You go girl! Yeah! Don't be defined by stereo-typical standards of female beauty!" and all that other jazz.

This time around (of having short hair... because I've had short hair before), the majority of people in support of my new do were men. I thought that was so cool! It has really boosted my self-esteem and made me feel like a beautiful woman, despite social norms. That is a rare and wonderful feeling.

In other news, this weekend was the Title 9K race in Chicago! The all-women race took place in Lincoln Park near the lake, and was absolutely fantastic. The weather, though chilly in the early morning, was gorgeous, and we had a breath-taking lakeside view as we ran. There were over 800 women running the race, and the estrogen levels were high. Chocolate stations, bra stations, and moms and daughters everywhere--fun stuff.

I've been training for weeks now, and I was so thrilled with the results of the run. Even though it was challenging and felt long at the time, I didn't realize how much of an effect the adrenaline rush I was receiving had.

Normally I would run 5.6 miles (right around a 9K) in about 56 minutes.
This race? I ran 5.6 miles in 48 minutes. I was so confused by my time as I crossed the finish line. I was expecting to be around 60 minutes! Victory was mine, and I devoured it like a greasy, delicious sandwich.

The race was on Sunday, and I drove up with my running mates on Friday. We explored the beautiful cities of Wheaton and Naperville, shopping around at the way-too-expensive stores and virtually buying nothing. Then Sarah's older sister, Emily, took us out to downtown Chicago Saturday night. We went to Navy Pier, watched the fire works from the top of the ferris wheel, and then spent the night in a hotel near our race location. The best part? She payed for everything. It was an incredibly sweet gesture and made the whole trip that much sweeter.

But now, I'm back in Charleston, still feeling victorious, but also feeling like a bit of a failure because I devoured every last Luna Bar we were given for free at the race. I'm feeling a bit fat. But no more! Tomorrow I'm back on the same eating schedule I have been, which has been working incredibly well for me.

All in all, things are good. I feel accomplished.

I don't want to do homework.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Running Forward

I have a strong habit of taking looong breaks of time between posts. It's just one of my many skills.

Without going through every boring detail between now and the last time I updated, I'll just hit some relevant highlights:

I am running. Running like a mad woman. I'm currently training for 2 races. One of them is October 23rd and is a 9K (kinda random distance, right?). The second is two weeks later in November. The November race is a 40 mile relay that I'll be dominating with three other people on my team. We're each running 10 miles.

The farthest I've ever ran at this point? 6 miles. I have some work to do.
Fortunately, I talked with one of my friends who has ran multiple half-marathons, and she assured me that once you can comfortably run 5 miles (I'm not sure when running becomes "comfortable"...), running 10 is just a matter of taking the time to do it.
This set my mind at ease... somewhat, because at the moment my body has forced me to take a break. After several weeks of adding significant distance, along with running 6 miles on Sunday and then 4 miles on Tuesday, shin splints kicked in with a vengeance I've never experienced.

After my 4 mile run this last Tuesday, I almost cried walking up the stairs to my apartment. I spent the next couple evenings with my legs elevated and bags of frozen corn and beans on my shins (ah, the glamour of college life). Since then I've focused on low-impact cross training and lots of stretching.

Let me also take a moment to explain my 6 mile run on Sunday...
This was the first time I'd ever gone that distance. I wasn't completely confident I'd be able to do it, but my roommate Megan and I decided to tackle the challenge together (she's running the 9K with me). We found a route on MapMyRun which was essentially a giant loop and decided that would be best. Once it got dark and cool, we went.

Something about running at night: Of course it's always good to have a running partner for safety in regards to dangerous people. But no one really warns you about low visibility coupled with dangerous terrain. This was therunning route/obstacle course from hell. At one point, there was a car driving towards us (which is completely blinding) and the sidewalk raised up at least an inch, which I did not see.
This created the perfect scenario for me to trip while in full running speed and hit the concrete.


Anyway. School-wise, things are good. Classes aren't very challenging. The challenging thing about classes are... the people. We're all in the same classes, so gossip is nearly inevitable. That part gets a little old. I just try to be pleasant with everyone and keep my thoughts to myself.

Also, I'm leading a small group. Once a week with 22-year-olds and up. We're studying the book of 1 John, and it's going splendidly! I am so encouraged by how engaged and excited the girls are about digging in. We always have very productive and eye-opening discussion. Love my girls.

That's my life for now. I'm getting ready to go to work. Then it's back to school!
But hey, next weekend, all this hair is getting chopped. I know a lot of people aren't necessarily pro me cutting my hair.

But! Here are the pros and cons:

Pro: People say my hair is beautiful. I can grow it for the rest of my life. Someone who DOESN'T have hair can also have beautiful hair now, too.

Con: I won't be as pretty to SOME people. People who's opinion I probably don't value that much.

Pro: It allows me to place less importance on superficial beauty, and rock whatever I've got going on.

Con: ... Can't think of one!


Just some thoughts. =)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I'm a Model Now, Did You Know?

So, I forgot to mention a few aspects of my last weekend. You see, sometimes weird things happen to me. I'm not sure why, but it seems like weird, funny things sort of follow me around in my everyday life. I'm certain that if I took the time, I could tell multiple stories from my day of just straight-up weird crap that goes on.

Okay, so this last weekend...

I drew on myself. Why? Well, I was sitting in the 2 1/2 hour class where we do NOTHING. And the class right after that was Art History of Graphic Design (that's right), and I have a hard time staying awake. My solution? Make my hand/arm a canvas for creativity!

Okay, so you see that beast? Well, my arm looked like that on Friday, right before I went in to work. Did I wash it off before work? Heck no. That's sharpie, and I didn't feel like grinding off my skin to look "presentable." Plus, most of the people who work at Joe Sippers have tattoos and are all 'hippied out' anyway. I went with it.

EVERY customer had something to say about it. It was a myriad of comments and questions like, "Is that real?!" or "Is that henna?!" or "How bad did that hurt?!" or "That's awesome!"
One guy asked, in a rude voice, "What HAPPENED to your arm?"
To which I replied, with an unamused expression on my face, "I tripped."

Alright, so this one guy, probably in his 40s, comes up to the counter, and he says, "Hey, I love that design on your arm. Mind if I take a picture of it?" I was kind of flattered, so I said sure! I mean, that's cool, right?
He says he needs to go get his camera, and he leaves for a minute. When he comes back, he's toting this massive beast of a camera with a huge, professional lens.

He asks if we can step outside and take a picture against the outside brick wall. Sure, whatever, I think. So we step outside. Then, I ask him how to pose my arm...
This is where it gets weird.
He, totally nonchalant, is like, "Maybe like this?" And does this sexy-lean-against-the-wall-with-my-arm-and-chest-and-look-over-my-shoulder-like-a-seductress pose.
So... after a moment of hesitation, I do a modified version of his pose. Then he starts snapping pictures, and directing me.

I'm sorry, I didn't know this was a sexy photo shoot.
One of his posing directions that he gave me was... wait for it...

"Could you lift your boobs a little?"
Oh yeah.

Afterwards, he tells me that if I give him my e-mail he'll send me the pictures. Against my better judgment, I give it to him. I found out later that he's a photographer for pin-up magazines.
That put ALL the pieces together for me.

The next day he sent me the pictures... Check this out. This is just a couple versions of one of them, but... Okay... If this guy IS a photographer for a pin-up magazine, he's NOT the editor. I mean, just look at this!

Sexy, right? Okay, you might not be able to see it very well, but my eyes are a brilliant lime green (totally natural) and my skin and hair have no texture. I also was apparently wearing lipstick. Sometimes I just unconsciously apply stuff like that, you know.

I almost peed my pants laughing. And the background pattern? Pure sexy.

So, this is my life. Enjoy.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

School and Junk

So, it's been a while since I've posted. I get it. I can take a hint. ;)

School has been a good experience thus far. I have four classes total, with a pretty smooth schedule overall. I like the classes, but they're just intro courses, so some of the material is really basic and kind of boring. For example, in my Visualizations I class, we've spent the first two weeks learning how to accurately draw letter forms. Yup. We draw font. Coooool. But overall, it's great and I'm happy.

Socially, I'm also pretty content. I see friends a lot. Conveniently for me, I have several friends in the Graphic Design program, so I literally have EVERY class with them. As long as we don't start to hate each other, it should always be interesting.

In one of my classes, we don't do ANYTHING. So far it's been 2 1/2 hours every class day, of nothing. What have I spent that time doing?
- Checking my e-mail
- Stumbling (most of my time is spent doing this)
- Drawing on myself
- Chatting with the people sitting on either side of me
- Doing my homework (the least amount of my time is spent doing this)
- Staring off into space

I really can't complain though.

I'm also back on the ministry staff at Christian Campus House. I'll be leading a small group on Thursday nights of people 22 years old and up. The age factor, I think (and hope), will make the group much more my style. I'm hoping to have a successful group, but also keep everything pretty low-key. I'm pretty sure that my first group meets this week, actually. Is it bad that I'm not positive on that? Oh well.

The rest is all pretty much the same. I still go home and work on the weekends, which I mostly enjoy. I love the people I work with, so I coming home to see them a couple days a week is refreshing rather than exhausting. I'm so grateful for that job.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Long Drives, Rock Climbing, and Conferences

Gracious! These past few weeks have been horrendously busy! Not as busy as some people's, I'm sure (especially if they've just moved to South Carolina for medical school and are trying to re-put their lives back together and have to work with the government to get things done). But still, it's been a bit of a whirlwind.

First of all, the rock climbing trip was such a fantastic time! I can't explain how much fun it was. But beyond that, I learned and gained so much in the midst of that busy weekend. First off, I drove there 10 hours down and 10 hours back up with Hannah's boyfriend Josh, and we cultivated an incredibly awesome and Godly friendship. I can't say how grateful I am for having the opportunity to be able to talk with him and share the experiences and thoughts we've both had throughout life. I feel like God did me a huge favor in bringing his friendship into my life. I mean, we'd been friends for about a year now, but we didn't really know one another. I think the best part, though, is that, because he's dating my roommate, he nor I ever have to have that awkward interaction where we're not sure what the intentions of the other are. Our intentions are clear--we're friends. Beautiful.

The rock climbing itself was a very growing experience. First of all, I'm terrified of heights. Second of all, I hate doing things I'm not very good at in front of other people. Third of all, I don't like relying on others in order to do something. I feel like, once again, God used a seemingly unspiritual event in my life to teach me a million things. Those three elements fully encompassed what my climbing experience was.

I was shaking the entire time. Badly. I was scared, and I was clinging to the rock wall, about 25 feet off the ground. I had to let my friends see me be scared and unskilled. I couldn't see where to put my feet because I was too shaky to lean back enough to look. So what did I have to do? I had to ask for help. My friends at the bottom of the cliff face talked me through, literally, every single step I made. I had to trust them. And, what do you know, they were the reason I was able to accomplish anything. I re-learned just how much I need people, in all things, even when I don't want to admit it.

Currently, I'm at a Campus Ministry Conference in Evansville, Indiana. I've been here since Saturday, and won't get home until Wednesday afternoon. This, too, has been very eye-opening and refreshing. At first I was afraid I'd get tired of constantly being around people, but it's actually been a very welcome change of pace from my typical stance towards socializing.

And finally... Yesterday I checked my class schedule to see what my class line-up would be (because, upon admittance to the Graphic Design program, they automatically place you in the class... I was accepted, by the way! Wahoo!), and my schedule is fantastic. Mondays and Wednesdays, I get out of class by 1:30. Tuesday and Thursdays, I'm out by 3. I don't have class on Fridays, and the earliest I ever have class during the week is at 10am.
For once, I am so pumped for the upcoming semester. I feel like I can actually enjoy my classes, my relationships, and my academic life in general. It's going to be so good. =)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My First Filler Blog

So, this blog is mainly to actually have something to look at for a while. My main reasoning for creating this blog is to keep in touch with the dear friends of mine who have scattered all over the States... and world. Wow! It's really amazing when I stop to think about it.

As for me, the summer days are getting hotter and hotter, and I'm getting sweatier and crankier with each degree increase. Ha. Whatever.

Today I turned in my application for admittance into the Graphic Design program. I'm feeling fairly confident, and I'll be hearing for certain of my admittance status by next Wednesday. In the meantime, I'm leaving for Arkansas tomorrow to go rock climbing! It's going to be an eventful weekend. I'm terrified of heights... but I'm confident in the encouraging abilities of my friends. I'm driving down there with my roommate's (Hannah, who lives in Arkansas) boyfriend, Josh. I figure after a good 8-10 hour drive, I can inform Hannah on whether or not Josh is worth marrying upon arrival... Nah. He's a swell fellow.

Anyway, I'm headed off to work in a few minutes, so I need to wrap this up. Consider this my first blog of many! I'll be sure to post some sweet rock climbing pictures when I get back. =)

Peace out, girl scout.